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Blog poświęcony automatyce

ai manufacturing bboard sol

How industrial companies are catching up in the AI race

grudzień 16, 2019 Artificial intelligence (AI) is achieving breakthroughs in the industrial sector. McKinsey recently forecasted that the global market for AI-based services, software and hardware will grow by up to 25% annually and will be worth around US$130 billion by 2025. But AI also represents a major challenge for industries in Europe, which are lagging behind the US and China. So, how can we start putting AI into action? Predictive maintenance is one area that demonstrates its advantages and potential.
Brand Protection
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Six challenges for brand protection

listopad 19, 2019 Brand protection is an important topic for any business. But as industrial companies invest in new technology, such as smart robotics, artificial intelligence and vision systems, are they aware of the key challenges that could affect their brand?
Flexible Manufacturing
three pillars cobots bboard prod

Three pillars of successful cobot deployment: safety, quality and flexibility from a single source

listopad 04, 2019 The use of collaborative robots is expected to increase rapidly in the next years to meet the needs of flexible production lines. To ensure that manufacturing layouts can be easily adapted to changing customer requirements, we recommend teaming up mobile robots and cobots. In addition, companies must consider integrated software apps and vision technology, as well as ensure support and risk assessment.
touching smart factory module newssingle sol

Smart machines: laying the golden egg?

październik 16, 2019 Greater manufacturing efficiency: it’s the golden egg we’re all looking for. But it’s getting increasingly hard to find. The solution could be smarter automation, which involves lots and lots of data (‘big data’) and data collection and data-driven modelling. The smart machine then uses the models to automatically adjust its own behaviour (i.e. machine learning).
Brand Protection
automotive industry bboard sol

Legacy of machine vision

październik 16, 2019 Did you know that for more than 40 years, Omron has developed vision sensing technologies for factory automation, surveillance and transport systems, and more recently for facial recognition and image processing for mobile phones, and even driver monitoring for autonomous driving?
ai manufacturing fcard sol

Improve OEE with Artificial Intelligence at the Edge in Food Manufacturing

październik 16, 2019 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in food manufacturing is picking up speed. Many F&B companies are realizing that AI presents an opportunity to increase not only the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) – and therefore combine reduced costs with increased productivity – but also to improve the analysis of data to support continuous improvement programs such as reducing waste or process operations variability.
Brand Protection
brand protection misc

Late-stage customization in pharmaceutical manufacturing

październik 16, 2019 As a result of serialization legislation, pharmaceutical manufacturers must now ensure that labels printed at a late stage contain all of the data required for compliance. This includes customizing product labels for certain markets, customers or products by adding variable data to labels or packaging. This avoids the need to stock individual packaging materials for each variant.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Top tips for choosing a mobile robot

październik 16, 2019 In an age of short product lifecycles and an increasing demand for customised solutions, if you’re a manufacturer, you need to be very agile to remain competitive. For instance, you might need to make products down to a lot size of one as simply and cost-efficiently as in mass production; or to change or update your production line at short notice. One key solution is a greater co-operation between people and machinery, leading to improved efficiency and more flexibility in the design of the production line.
Flexible Manufacturing
bin picking newssingle sol

Autonomous bin picking with a collaborative mobile robot

październik 16, 2019 Our TM collaborative robot provides a unique solution to easily automate applications such as picking and packing that, traditionally performed by humans, have been challenging to automate. As part of the TM series launch, we also released a mobile-compatible model, which seamlessly integrates into Omron’s LD series autonomous mobile robot. Combined with a 3D vision camera mounted directly onto the collaborative robot, this enables for example e-commerce companies to automate more complex tasks. This includes pick and place of various items onto a tray or container, as well as connecting production processes with the autonomous mobile robots for flexible manufacturing and materials handling.
Flexible Manufacturing
ld mobile robot bmw bboard sol

Zwinne i inteligentne: dostosowane rozwiązania mobilne w zakresie robotyki

październik 10, 2019 Duża niemiecka grupa motoryzacyjna optymalizuje wydajność i innowacyjność w dziedzinie transportu materiałów dzięki mobilnym robotom Omron LD oraz przystawkom do przenośników firmy cts GmbH. Produkcja samochodów i linie montażowe były zawsze ze sobą ściśle powiązane. Dopiero gdy w 1913 roku Henry Ford zaczął używać przenośników w swoich fabrykach, samochód był w stanie podbić świat jako produkt wytwarzany masowo. Dziś praca w fabrykach BMW bez linii montażowych nie byłaby możliwa. Grupa wykorzystuje innowacyjne rozwiązania transportowe i logistyczne w celu zwiększenia wydajności i elastyczności, lepszego łączenia procesów roboczych, a także odciążenia pracowników od konieczności wykonywania powtarzalnych i czasochłonnych zadań. Koncepcja ta obejmuje wykorzystanie mobilnych robotów Omron LD do transportu materiałów, co zapewnia szczególnie wysoki zwrot z inwestycji (ROI). Te autonomiczne roboty mobilne są wyposażone w wieżę przenośnikową — urządzenie do obsługi ładunków o regulowanej wysokości, opracowane przez integratora systemów, firmę cts GmbH. Interakcja między pracownikami i robotami transportowymi w firmie BMW w imponujący sposób pokazuje, jak harmonicznie mogą działać Fabryki Przyszłości.