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Seria modułów we/wy NX

Seria modułów we/wy NX

Wydajność i funkcjonalność sterowania maszyną

Nowoczesne sterowanie maszyną wymaga synchronizacji osi ruchu w całym systemie i z dokładnością co do milisekundy. System We/Wy serii NX zapewnia taką dokładność synchronizacji i powtarzalność w różnych wejściach i wyjściach. Jego ultraszybki układ magistrali wewnętrznej jest zsynchronizowany z zegarem rozproszonym sieci EtherCAT, pozwalając uzyskać deterministyczne działanie modułów We/Wy w całym systemie.

  • Idealnie nadaje się do sterowników automatyki maszyn Sysmac oraz sterowników PLC serii CJ2
  • Synchroniczne odświeżanie sygnałów we/wy w całym systemie z dokładnością poniżej 1 μs przez sieć EtherCAT
  • Wysoka gęstość: do 16 cyfrowych lub 8 analogowych sygnałów w szerokości 12 mm
  • Zdejmowalne listwy montażowe pozwalające na łatwy montaż i testowanie systemu

Modele i specyfikacja

Produkt Type of module Linear analog input type Temperature input type Linear analog output type Digital input type Digital output type Connection method Number of analog inputs Number of analog outputs Number of digital inputs Number of digital outputs Number of encoder input channels Number of pulse output channels Resolution of the analog inputs Resolution of the analog outputs Input circuit type Conversion time Control function Heater burnout detection Permitted voltage at input Output current Short-circuit protected outputs Max. encoder input frequency Max. pulse output frequency Signal processing Suitable for safety functions Memory size With certification Communication port(s) Number of communication ports I/O connection type Number of IOV (V+) terminals Number of IOG (V-) terminals Number of FG terminals Opis
2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
Serial Communication Interface Unit, 1 x RS-232C, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide
Serial Communication Interface Unit, 1 x RS-422/485C, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide