Pełna gama urządzeń do wszystkich zastosowań
W skład serii F3SG-SR/PG wchodzi kompletny asortyment kurtyn świetlnych bezpieczeństwa (w tym kurtyn wielowiązkowych) obejmujących wszystkie zastosowania, od zabezpieczenia maszyn ze zdemontowanymi osłonami po ochronę punktów dostępu oraz obszarów wokół urządzeń.
- Najszersza gama produktów — większa elastyczność konstrukcji i łatwiejsza standaryzacja dzięki:
- uproszczeniu procesów wyboru produktów i budowy maszyn poprzez opracowanie jednolitego, kompaktowego profilu odpowiedniego do każdego zastosowania;
- zapewnieniu szerokiego zakresu wysokości w pełni pokrywających strefę wymagającą ochrony. - Duży zasięg działania i stabilne wykrywanie dzięki wyjątkowej konstrukcji układu optycznego o dużej mocy. Zakres wykrywania kurtyny świetlnej bezpieczeństwa F3SG-SR wynosi do 20 m, a wielowiązkowej kurtyny świetlnej bezpieczeństwa F3SG-PG — do 70 m, nawet w trudnych warunkach.
- Odporność na czynniki środowiskowe i wytrzymała konstrukcja, zapewniająca odporność na olej (IP67G) wszystkich serii urządzeń oraz opcjonalnie możliwość mycia wysokociśnieniowego wybranych modeli (IP69K).
- Szybki montaż: wskaźnik wiązki obszaru (ABI) ułatwia precyzyjną regulację wiązek światła w celu ich wyrównania na dużą odległość.
- Łatwa diagnostyka: wskaźniki stanu roboczego pomagają określić optymalny czas wymiany i wykryć potencjalne błędy.
- Ochrona bez niewykorzystanej przestrzeni*1 po obu stronach: umożliwia wykrywanie dłoni operatora w dowolnym miejscu w strefie bezpieczeństwa, nawet w przypadku podłączenia szeregowego lub układu o kształcie litery U.
- Łatwa i szybka wymiana dzięki funkcji kopiowania i przywracania ustawień za pomocą inteligentnego wtyku, który umożliwia również monitorowanie pracy na terenie zakładu za pośrednictwem modułu Bluetooth®.
- Zdalne śledzenie i pobieranie danych operacyjnych poprzez inteligentny wtyk w celu zapobiegania nieplanowanym przestojom, z wykorzystaniem komunikacji IO-Link (dostosowanej do technologii IoT).
Modele i specyfikacja
Produkt | Sensing method | Type of safety according to IEC 61496-1 | Type of protection | Detection capability | Safety field height | Number of beams | Beam spacing | Maximum safety range | Key features | Degree of protection (IP) | Cascadable | Opis | |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 20.0 m, Product length 670 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 670 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 670 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 970 mm | 3 | 400 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 3 beams, range 0.5 to 20.0 m, Product length 970 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 970 mm | 3 | 400 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 3 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 970 mm, Active/Active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 20 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 20 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/active |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 200 mm | 19 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 200 mm | 10 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 280 mm | 27 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 280 mm | 14 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 360 mm | 35 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 360 mm | 18 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 440 mm | 43 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 440 mm | 22 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 520 mm | 51 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 520 mm | 26 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 600 mm | 59 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 600 mm | 30 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 680 mm | 67 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 680 mm | 34 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 720 mm | 71 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 760 mm | 75 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 760 mm | 38 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 840 mm | 83 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 840 mm | 42 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 880 mm | 87 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 920 mm | 91 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 920 mm | 46 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 200 mm | 19 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 200 mm | 10 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 280 mm | 27 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 280 mm | 14 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 360 mm | 35 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 360 mm | 18 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 440 mm | 43 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 440 mm | 22 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 520 mm | 51 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 520 mm | 26 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 600 mm | 59 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 600 mm | 30 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 680 mm | 67 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 680 mm | 34 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 720 mm | 71 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 760 mm | 75 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 760 mm | 38 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 840 mm | 83 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 840 mm | 42 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 880 mm | 87 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 920 mm | 91 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 920 mm | 46 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
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Problem techniczny. Akcja nie została wykonana. Przepraszamy - spróbuj ponownie.
Szeroki zakres zastosowań w dziedzinie zabezpieczeń
F3SG-SR — zabezpieczenie maszyn ze zdemontowanymi osłonami
- Ochrona palców
- Ochrona dłoni
- Ochrona rąk i nóg
- Ochrona całego ciała
F3SG-PG — zabezpieczenie obszarów wokół maszyn
- Zabezpieczenie punktów dostępu do obszaru wokół maszyny
- Zabezpieczenie obszaru o dużym zasięgu
- Zabezpieczenie obszaru za pomocą lustra pasywnego
Szczelna konstrukcja zwiększająca odporność na działanie czynników środowiskowych
Unikalna konstrukcja mocno dociska powierzchnię optyczną. Stabilne uszczelnienie uniemożliwia wnikanie cieczy do wnętrza kurtyny świetlnej, co zwiększa odporność obudowy na działanie czynników środowiskowych.
Układ optyczny o dużej mocy zapewniający stabilne możliwości wykrywania
Czujniki są niezawodne nawet w trudnych warunkach — zasięg działania kurtyny świetlnej bezpieczeństwa F3SG-SR wynosi do 20 m, a wielowiązkowej kurtyny świetlnej bezpieczeństwa F3SG-PG — do 70 m.
Duży zasięg działania dzięki wyjątkowej konstrukcji układu optycznego
Funkcja wykrywania na dużą odległość zapewnia bezpieczeństwo w pobliżu maszyn ze zdemontowanymi osłonami oraz ochronę obszarów wokół nich.
Wskaźnik wiązki obszaru (ABI) umożliwiający szybką kontrolę stanu wiązki
Możliwość sprawdzenia stanu WŁ. lub WYŁ. kurtyny świetlnej oraz niskiego natężenia światła. Wskaźnik ABI ułatwia również precyzyjną regulację wiązek w celu ich wyrównania na dużą odległość.
- Zielone wyjścia bezpieczeństwa WŁ.: wiązki są odblokowane i znajdują się w stabilnym położeniu.
- Pomarańczowe wyjścia bezpieczeństwa WŁ.: należy wyregulować wiązki lub sprawdzić kurtynę świetlną pod kątem zabrudzeń.
- Czerwone wyjścia bezpieczeństwa WŁ.: wiązki w danym obszarze są zablokowane.
Łatwa diagnostyka błędów z czytelnymi kolorowymi wskaźnikami
Czytelne wskaźniki LED z etykietami ułatwiają przeprowadzanie konserwacji zapobiegawczej poprzez wykrywanie zanieczyszczeń, a ponadto pomagają w określeniu optymalnego czasu wymiany.
Tworzenie kopii zapasowych i przywracanie ustawień za pomocą inteligentnego wtyku
Inteligentny wtyk umożliwia automatyczne kopiowanie ustawień starej kurtyny świetlnej do nowej. Praktycznie każdy będzie w stanie z łatwością wymienić kurtyny świetlne i szybko wznowić pracę maszyny.
Łatwość monitorowania
- Zdalne monitorowanie: możliwość podłączania różnych urządzeń za pośrednictwem komunikacji IO-Link.
- Monitorowanie na terenie zakładu: możliwość monitorowania informacji na temat przestojów w pracy urządzeń na urządzeniach mobilnych za pośrednictwem modułu komunikacyjnego Bluetooth.
Proste okablowanie zapewniające elastyczność konstrukcji
Jedynym elementem lustra pasywnego F3SG-PG-C, który należy podłączyć przewodowo, jest nadajnik/odbiornik. Zastosowanie konstrukcji lustrzanej pozwala wykonać okablowanie w jednym miejscu przy jednoczesnym zabezpieczeniu obszarów wszystkich urządzeń. Zmniejsza to liczbę przewodów oraz czas ich podłączania.

Meet Omron's F3SG – SR Safety Light Curtain
F3SG-SR the best ever light curtain. The F3SG-SR series offers a complete lineup of light curtains that comply with global safety standards and a wide range of functionality that covers all aspects from design through to maintenance.