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Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 3 beams, range 0.5 to 20.0 m, Product length 970 mm, Active/active

Dane techniczne

Sensing method Safety multi-beam
Type of protection Body protection
Number of beams 3
Safety field height 970 mm
Type of safety according to IEC 61496-1 4
Beam spacing 400 mm
Maximum safety range 20 m
Minimum operating distance 0.5 m
Key features Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment
Degree of protection (IP) IP65/IP67
Number of protected semiconductor outputs 2
Number of semiconductor outputs with signalling function 1
Type of switching output of the OSSD PNP/NPN
Response time 8 ms
With muting function
With beam coding
Communication option(s) Bluetooth, IO-Link, USB
Scope of delivery Transmitter and receiver
Wavelength of the sensor 870 nm
Connection method Root connector (order separately)
Max. output current at protected output 300 mA
Ambient temperature -30-55 °C
Number of fixed side-mount brackets 2
Number of adjustable side-mount brackets 2
Number of intermediate brackets 1


E39-R1S Accessory photoeletric sensor, reflector, 40 x 60 x 7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic
E3AS-F1000IPT-M1TJ 0.3M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, plastic body, infrared laser class 1, time-of-flight, 1000 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, IO-Link COM3, M12 pigtail Smartclick connector, 0.3 m
E3AS-F1500IPT-M1TJ 0.3M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, plastic body, infrared laser class 1, time-of-flight, 1500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, IO-Link COM3, M12 pigtail Smartclick connector, 0.3 m
E3Z-R81 2M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3Z-R81 5M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3Z-T81 2M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3Z-T81 5M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
F39-FMA150R Muting sensor arm mounter for retroreflective sensor; length 150 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA150T Muting sensor arm mounter for through-beam sensor; length 150 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA400R Muting sensor arm mounter for retroreflective sensor; length 400 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA400T Muting sensor arm mounter for through-beam sensor; length 400 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-GCN5 Muting Sensor Connection Box for F3SG-SR/PG series
F39-GCNY2 Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R_SR, M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5 m
F39-GCNY3 Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R_SR, Reset Switch M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5 m
F39-JG10A-D Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 10 m
F39-JG10A-L Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 10 m
F39-JG10B-D Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 10 m
F39-JG10B-L Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 10 m
F39-JG10C-D Root-straight cable 10 m for F3SG-SR (cable for receiver with dedicated connector - Black)
F39-JG10C-L Root-straight cable 10 m for F3SG-SR (cable for emitter with dedicated connector - Gray)
F39-JG20B-D Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 20 m
F39-JG20B-L Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 20 m
F39-JG3A-D Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 3 m
F39-JG3A-L Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 3 m
F39-JG3B-D Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 3 m
F39-JG3B-L Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 3 m
F39-JG3C-D Root-straight cable 3 m for F3SG-SR (cable for receiver with dedicated connector - Black)
F39-JG3C-L Root-straight cable 3 m for F3SG-SR (cable for emitter with dedicated connector - Gray)
F39-JG7C-D Root-straight cable 7 m for F3SG-SR (cable for receiver with dedicated connector - Black)
F39-JG7C-L Root-straight cable 7 m for F3SG-SR (cable for emitter with dedicated connector - Gray)
F39-JGR3K-D Root-Plug cable for extended set 0.3 m for F3SG-4SR (cable for receiver - black)
F39-JGR3K-L Root-Plug cable for extended set 0.3 m for F3SG-4SR (cable for emitter - gray)
F39-LITF1 Intelligent Tap Bracket For DIN in Panel
F39-LMAF1 Bracket for muting sensor arm mounter (2 units per set)
F39-LSGA Adjustable Side-Mount Bracket (2 brackets per set)
F39-LSGF Fixed Side-Mount Bracket (2 brackets per set)
F39-LSGTB-RE Adjustable top/bottom bracket set (2 pcs.) for F3SG-RA/ RE series
F39-LSGTB-SJ Adjustable top/bottom bracket set (2 pcs.) for F3SJ/ SN series
F39-PML1310-3 Mirror column 1310 mm for multibeam safety sensor F3SG-PG_A/L (3 beams)
F39-PTS Laser-alignment kit for F3SG-SR/PG Series, Mountable from the front. This can be easily mounted and removed to/from the main unit, even as a set with the F39-ST.
F39-SGBT Bluetooth Communication Unit for F39-SGIT-IL3
F39-SGIT-IL3 Intelligent Tap unit for F3SG-SR/PG
F39-SGLP The lamp can be connected to emitter, receiver, or emitter/receiver and turned ON based onthe operation of F3SG-SR/PG.The lamp can indicate red, orange, and green colors, to which three different states can beassigned. IP67 * rated when mated.
F39-ST1310 Floor mount column of 1310 mm for F3SG-SR/PG, protective height up to 1280 mm
F39-STB Mount-column adjustable base for F3SG-SR/PG Mounted to the floor mount column or mirror column.The angle and height of the column can be adjusted.
XS2G-D5S1 Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
XS3W-M421-401-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 1 m
XS3W-M421-402-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS3W-M421-405-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS3W-M421-410-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 10 m
XS3W-M424-402-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 right-angle socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS3W-M424-405-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 right-angle socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS3W-M42C-4C2-A Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC standard cable, IP67, 0.2 m
XS5F-D421-C80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
XS5F-D421-D80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS5F-D421-E80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 3 m
XS5F-D421-G80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS5F-D421-J80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
XS5F-D421-L80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 20 m
XS5F-D521-DJ0-IL IO-Link cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC, IP67, 2 m


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