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Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN

Dane techniczne

Sensing method Safety light curtain
Type of protection Hand protection
Number of beams 20
Detection capability 25 mm
Safety field height 400 mm
Type of safety according to IEC 61496-1 4
Beam spacing 20 mm
Maximum safety range 16 m
Minimum operating distance 0.3 m
Key features Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment
Degree of protection (IP) IP65/IP67/IP69K
Number of protected semiconductor outputs 2
Number of semiconductor outputs with signalling function 1
Type of switching output of the OSSD PNP/NPN
Response time 8 ms
With muting function
With beam coding
Communication option(s) Bluetooth, IO-Link, USB
Suitable for safety functions
Scope of delivery Transmitter and receiver
Wavelength of the sensor 870 nm
Connection method Root connector (order separately)
Supply voltage DC 19.2-28.8 V
Max. output current at protected output 300 mA
Ambient temperature -30-55 °C
Overall length of sensor 400 mm
Height of sensor 400 mm
Width of sensor 60 mm
Number of fixed side-mount brackets 0
Number of adjustable side-mount brackets 0
Number of intermediate brackets 0


E39-R1S Accessory photoeletric sensor, reflector, 40 x 60 x 7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic
E3AS-F1000IPT-M1TJ 0.3M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, plastic body, infrared laser class 1, time-of-flight, 1000 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, IO-Link COM3, M12 pigtail Smartclick connector, 0.3 m
E3AS-F1500IPT-M1TJ 0.3M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, plastic body, infrared laser class 1, time-of-flight, 1500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, IO-Link COM3, M12 pigtail Smartclick connector, 0.3 m
E3Z-R81 2M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3Z-R81 5M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3Z-T81 2M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3Z-T81 5M Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
F39-FMA150R Muting sensor arm mounter for retroreflective sensor; length 150 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA150T Muting sensor arm mounter for through-beam sensor; length 150 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA400R Muting sensor arm mounter for retroreflective sensor; length 400 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-FMA400T Muting sensor arm mounter for through-beam sensor; length 400 mm (2 mounters per set)
F39-GCN5 Muting Sensor Connection Box for F3SG-SR/PG series
F39-GCNY2 Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R_SR, M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5 m
F39-GCNY3 Safety sensor accessory, F3SG-R_SR, Reset Switch M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5 m
F39-LITF1 Intelligent Tap Bracket For DIN in Panel
F39-LMAF1 Bracket for muting sensor arm mounter (2 units per set)
F39-LSGTB-K Mounting bracket for F3SG-SRB IP69K Model (set of 2 brackets)
F39-SGBT Bluetooth Communication Unit for F39-SGIT-IL3
F39-SGIT-IL3 Intelligent Tap unit for F3SG-SR/PG
F39-SML0990 Mirror column 990 mm for Safety Light Curtain F3SG-SR/PG up to 880 mm
F39-TRD25 Safety light curtain accessory, test rod, 25 mm for initial and daily checks and regular inspections. (Not included in the Safety Light Curtain delivery)
XS2G-D5S1 Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
XS3W-M421-401-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 1 m
XS3W-M421-402-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS3W-M421-405-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS3W-M421-410-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 10 m
XS3W-M424-402-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 right-angle socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS3W-M424-405-R Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 right-angle socket (female), M8 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS3W-M42C-4C2-A Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M8 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, PVC standard cable, IP67, 0.2 m
XS5F-D421-C80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
XS5F-D421-D80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
XS5F-D421-E80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 3 m
XS5F-D421-G80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
XS5F-D421-J80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
XS5F-D421-L80-F Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 20 m
XS5F-D521-DJ0-IL IO-Link cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC, IP67, 2 m


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