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Wysokowydajny czujnik fotoelektryczny w kompaktowej obudowie M18

Łatwe w użyciu czujniki fotoelektryczne z szerokiej gamy modeli. Wyposażone w wiele funkcji standardowych i specjalnych.

  • Duży wybór modeli standardowych i specjalnych
  • Kompaktowa obudowa z tworzywa sztucznego lub metalu ułatwiająca integrację
  • Korpus o orientacji głowicy pod kątem prostym i osiowym
  • Krótki czas reakcji, 0,5 ms
  • Dioda LED o dużej mocy umożliwiająca stabilne wykrywanie nawet w środowiskach, w których występują pyły i drgania
  • Solidna obudowa IP67/IP69K 
  • Dostępne modele z funkcją wykrywania obiektów przezroczystych

Modele i specyfikacja

Produkt Shape Sensing method Sensing distance Sensing distance (min.) Setting method Connection method Cable length Output type Operation mode Response time Material housing Thread size Type of light Power supply voltage Features Degree of protection (IP) Opis
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, low hysteresis, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, infrared LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, plastic, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 2 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, infrared LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, infrared LED, diffuse, 1 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, background suppression, 200 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 500 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, through-beam, 20 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, metal, red LED, limited-reflective, 10 - 50 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 100 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, diffuse, 700 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, infrared LED, diffuse, 300 mm, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, retro-reflective, 4 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, inverted logic, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
Photoelectric sensor, M18 threaded barrel, radial type, metal, red LED, through-beam, 15 m, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M12 connector
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Oferta dla E3FA/E3FB

Poniżej możecie Państwo wysłać zapytanie cenowe dotyczące naszych produktów. Prosimy wypełnić wszystkie pola oznaczone *. Twoje dane osobowe będą oczywiście traktowane jako poufne.

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Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Dziękujemy za zlecenie wyceny. Dostarczymy Ci niezbędnych informacji tak szybko, jak to tylko będzie możliwe.

Problem techniczny. Akcja nie została wykonana. Przepraszamy - spróbuj ponownie.

Zapytaj o ofertę
Zapytaj o ofertę


Compact size and shape

e3favse3f2-sensor prod

Niewielkie gabaryty i zwarty kształt. Czujnik można zamontować niemal wszędzie.

Visible LED light for easy alignment

e3fa high-power-led-02 prod

Wszystkie modele są wyposażone w jasne diody LED, co ułatwia osiowanie i zapewnia duże odległości detekcji.

Background suppression

e3fa ceramic-03 prod

Modele z eliminacją wpływu tła pozwalają na stabilne wykrywanie różnokolorowych obiektów.

High housing protection

e3fa-waterprotection-02 prod

Szczelna obudowa IP67/IP69K skutecznie chroni urządzenie przed wodą.


E3FA-____ Instrukcja
enPDF 372 KB
E3FA/B-F2 Photoelectric Sensors Karta katalogowa
enPDF 1,6 MB
E3FB-____ Instrukcja
enPDF 351 KB
E3RA-____ Instrukcja
enPDF 492 KB
E3RB-____ Instrukcja
enPDF 430 KB
EAC Mark removal Informacja o wycofaniu z oferty
enPDF 221 KB

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