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Inteligentna kamera MicroHAWK F420-F

Najmniejszy na świecie w pełni zintegrowany system kontroli wizyjnej.

  • Prosta konfiguracja za pomocą AutoVISION. 
  • Dostępny czujnik 5 megapikseli. 
  • Dostępna funkcja autofokus. 
  • Port szeregowy RS-232, USB lub Ethernet over USB.
  • IP54.
  • Wyjście kabla do montażu narożnego.

Modele i specyfikacja

Produkt Number of pixels Camera type Autofocus Focus distance Focal length Field of view (width) Frame rate Shutter type Illumination Software option(s) Image width Image height Communication port(s) Degree of protection (IP) Opis
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Autofocus 40-150 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 50 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 81 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 190 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Medium view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 5 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
F420 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Narrow view, Fixed focus 400 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Serial RS-232, USB, or Ethernet over USB, IP54
Porównaj produkty Pokaż więcej produktów: 295

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Text error notification

Text error notification

Country error notification

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Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

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+48 22 458 6666
+48 22 458 6666
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Zapytaj o ofertę

Oferta dla F420-F

Poniżej możecie Państwo wysłać zapytanie cenowe dotyczące naszych produktów. Prosimy wypełnić wszystkie pola oznaczone *. Twoje dane osobowe będą oczywiście traktowane jako poufne.

FV 420-F left small  side en prod.

Dane osobowe


Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Country error notification

Szczegóły oferty

Select notification error

Select notification error

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Dziękujemy za zlecenie wyceny. Dostarczymy Ci niezbędnych informacji tak szybko, jak to tylko będzie możliwe.

Problem techniczny. Akcja nie została wykonana. Przepraszamy - spróbuj ponownie.

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AutoVISION — uproszczona kontrola wizyjna maszyn

  • Najłatwiejsze w obsłudze oprogramowanie dla początkujących użytkowników, jak i specjalistów z zakresu kontroli wizyjnej maszyn
  • Upraszcza powszechne zastosowania kontroli wizyjnej maszyn
  • Intuicyjna nawigacja z natychmiastową, automatyczną informacją zwrotną ułatwiającą instalację, konfigurację i użytkowanie 
  • Skalowalna do bardziej złożonych zastosowań
  • Kompleksowy zestaw narzędzi
  • Wbudowany emulator do testowania przechowywanych obrazów
  • Wbudowany internetowyinterfejs HMI ułatwiający monitorowanie

AutoVISION: wysokiej klasy narzędzia do kontroli wizyjnej maszyn 30+


AutoVISION Software - Quick Start Guide Podręcznik użytkownika
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AutoVISION WebMonitor Podręcznik użytkownika
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AutoVISION_530_3025_016 Oprogramowanie
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EAC Mark removal Informacja o wycofaniu z oferty
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MicroHAWK F Series 0F Podręcznik użytkownika
enPDF 18,4 MB
MicroHAWK F420-F Karta katalogowa
enPDF 3,64 MB
MicroHAWK Optics and Lighting Accessory Kit Podręcznik instalacji
enPDF 8,25 MB

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