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Operational Excellence
Żywność i napoje

Expect the unexpected: Prepare, Prevent & Predict

Opublikowano 25 lutego 2019 w Operational Excellence

Sudden stops on a production line can cost a fortune. Avoiding unexpected stops and reducing scheduled downtime are key components to boost OEE. It sounds simple, but requires interpretation of the right, often complex, data. Artificial intelligence can optionally be deployed to interpret the collected relevant device and machine data real-time. Our solutions assist you to actively steer your operations to optimize the schedule for maintenance activities, and minimize maintenance and support costs.
One area where machine builders can really have an impact on OEE for manufacturers is in machine availability. Have you considered just how much money it costs when a machine fails, or is halted for a failed component replacement, or is stopped during a product changeover? A machine’s operational performance can be improved upon by using inherent capabilities in modern control system designs. A digital revolution in which a dormant failure can be spotted by monitoring a machine condition parameter like vibration, torque value or temperature.

Smart machine condition monitoring

The motto is prepare, prevent and predict! Smart machine condition monitoring can assist you. It helps your production plant in achieving optimal performance conditions and avoiding any disruptions. Machine builders and automation suppliers are well equipped with smart Omron OEE solutions to translate their focus on machine availability together with product and package quality into tangible production improvements for manufacturers.

Preventive and predictive maintenance boost availability

This approach is much broader than just taking into account baseline speed, cycle times and overall performance. Modern day preventive and predictive maintenance boost availability. Inbuilt diagnostics highlight developing problems before they become critical, enabling users to take preventative action during scheduled maintenance periods. Human fault detection is replaced by automation technology made up of connected sensors, miniaturization, and edge & cloud computing, so every manufacturer is sure to expect the unexpected!
This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Expect the unexpected: Prepare, Prevent & Predict'.

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    John van Hooijdonk

    Industry Marketing

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