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CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals

Dane techniczne

Size 31 x 90 x 109 mm
Functions PID control
Number of control loops 4
Temperature input type B, C (WRe5-26), E, J, JPt100, K, L, N, P (PLII), Pt100, R, S, T, U
Linear analog input type 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA
Temperature range -200-2300 °C
Supply voltage DC 20.4-26.4 V
Control output 4 Voltage pulse
Terminal type Screw


E58-CIFQ1 E5CN accessory, quick link programming cable for the E5_N and CelciuX (EJ1) range, allows direct connection without requirement for communications card. USB connection to PC/Laptop and special connector for controller, Includes USB driver
EJ1C-EDUA-NFLK CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller end unit, connects up to 16 x basic & high function units, 24 VDC supply, 1 x RS-485 port (115kbps, CompoWay/F, MODBUS RTU), 1 x programming port, M3 screw terminals
EJ1C-EDUC-NFLK CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller end unit, connects up to 16 x basic & high function units, 24 VDC supply, 1 x RS-485 port (115kbps, CompoWay/F, MODBUS RTU), 1 x programming port, removable screw connector blocks
EST2-2C-MV4 CX-Thermo, direct 1 to 1 connecting software (1 to several if same TC type), for programming and monitoring E5_N (version 5 & 6), E5ZN and CelciuX (EJ1)
